Over the past few years I have collected several parts for a Commodore VIC-20. Of course the computer, but also special things such as an expansion board for the cartridges.
As you can see, there is quite a bit of color difference. So it's definitely time for a retro-bright action. For that I have to wait until the sun shines again. Of course I will take new pictures.
The VIC-1010 is an optional expansion to the VIC-20 manufactured by Commodore.
It plugs into the back of VIC-20's expansion port, providing six more ports along the top.
The expension module is quite a rare and special device that I did not known to exist before I found one this is an item the makes the set quite complete.
I now also have the Commodore 128 in my collection. This is the successor of the Commodore 64. According to Wikipedia the Commodore 128 has also broken sales records, but not on the scale that the Commodore 64 has managed to achieve.
Besides this version I also have the other version of it. The Commodore 128 D, which consisted of a desktop-like cabinet containing a disk drive (hence the addition D) and a separate keyboard. See my other pictures. The one I have now in my collection needs some care. I think I will Retro bright this one later this year.
A Computer that I also owned in my youth is the Commodore C16. Like a number of other computers, this is a repurchase after I had previously dumped it to the recycling center over time (how could I…).
This computer was designed and build by Web Computers International. The Commodore brand was licensed to them by ESCOM. It is actually a small windows 3.11 installed PC.
Built in flash-drive, modem, TV-out, VGA-out, touch-pad with optional pointer. The software was Windows based including a Lotus office suite, Netscape, and a C64 Emulator.
A while ago I came into possession of a Philips 2000T computer by chance.
Because it is a Dutch brand, I could not resist the temptation to add it to my collection.
I could not find a suitable cable so I ended up making one myself to connect the computer to my monitor.
finally I could test the computer and yes, after all those years I worked perfectly.
A odd computer in my collection is this Laser 310 computer.
After a seach with Google for the right power adapter I found a 9 volt adaptor that is normally used for the Nintendo (NES), Super Nintendo (SNES) which is a good replacement of the original adaptor for the Laser 310.
So I could now connect it and see how it actually boots. The standard startup screen is Basic V2.0 so simular to the commodore 64 basic.
In addition to the breadbox model, there was also a more modern version of the Commodore. The 64C.
nother computer in my collection is the commodore VIC20, this one I got from a former colleague several years ago.
It is one of the early models with the two pins power supply and the original keyboard font as used on the predecessor the Pet computer.
Over time somehow, I lost the original power supply so needed to look for an alternative.
Browsing on eBay I was able to find and buy a replacement one to make the computer operational again.
It was good to see that after out of use for many many many years it was now back to live again.
Having no software for it at that moment I also started my search on the internet for some game cartridges games to make it complete and thereby extending my collection again.
Today was a sunny day and I was enjoying a beautiful summer moment in my back-garden with a nice cup of coffee and browsing on the internet.
There I stumbled on an adverb for a Commodore 128D. It was not stored under the best conditions but according to the seller in good working condition.
I took this computer apart and did a good cleaning and retro bright as it was really very very dirty and yellowed. But the fist clean-up looks promising, and I did some further test with the machine, and it is indeed in good working condition and a great addition to my Commodore retro collection.
As many I my interest in computers and programming started when I was a teanager.
In 1984 I bought my first computer, a commodore 64, I know the exact date as I still own it. On the back of the computer still a label of the shop is on the back of it.
At that time in the Netherlands Game-World was a well known electronic store where it all happened.
In 2021 I refound the interest in this retro computer when I was cleaning up
I connected my old computer to see if it was still working. For a few moments it was..
However doing this I learned the hard way It is not the best thing to do.. Thas is connecting an old power supply that was laying around for more than 30 years.. It fried my Commodore.. So this one became my first restoration project.
Thanks to google and al lot of retro fans that share their experience on the internet I was able to find new replacement parts and fix my computer. I did not clean or retrobright this one as I want to keep it as I remembered. So see the image here the one and only original i.e. for me.
I remember the many hours fun day's and night's me programming on this machine.