These web pages provide an overview of my collection of retro computer objects, software and some other hobby projects that I enjoy working on in my spare time.

If you have found something nice in the attic, working, or which is in need of some TLC and you are looking for a good 'home' for it, send me an e-mail:


When collecting I usually focus on those things that I have a memory of. This way I can keep my collecting mania under control. But sometimes you come across nice things from the early period that are too nice.

Here you can find some other devices and game consoles that i have collected over the years.


In addition to the Commodore computers, it is also fun to collect the necessary peripherals.

This page shows some of the peripherals that ended up in my collection.


One of the nice things about collecting is that you come across things that you didn't really know you were looking for. I have now collected many different joysticks and paddles that I had not even heard of when I first came into contact with a Commodore 64.

Here you can find different input devices mainly for the commodore computers.

There where many different ones some of them succesfull some of them quite strange and rare.


After more than thirty years I started again with my first computer set-up. A Commodore 64 and a Commodore 128D.


I don't have a picture of my Commodore set-up in my teenage years but this one is a few years after my Commodore period.

At that time IBM machines just came into play for me needed for the school I just started on.

The photo was taken just after I replaced my Commmodore with a DOS based XT PC. A Philips NMS with 10Mb harddisk (Wow!) and Wordperfect 5.0.

Before that I did everything on the Commodore 64 using Easy script and high Eddy for grapics.


One of the great memories I have is the hours and hours of programming the commodore 64. At first in Basic and after some time in assembler.

At first I typed in some basic programs as they where published in several computer magazines. You needed to type them in and store them on tape.

Lately I was looking for the smaller programs called one-liners. Small programs that only required a few to just one line of code. As the line length only allows 80 characters including the line-number this was a challenge. Some tricks could be used like shortening the commands to save characters. For example "print" could be replaced by "?". And the special commodore characters could also be used to create special effects.

On this page I collected some of the one-liners that I created or found in the magazines, or internet.


If you like to experiment with programming in retro style, take a look at my GitHub page where I have posted a number of basic programs.


Here you can find the books that I collected over the years.


You can also see some of my projects on my youtube channel.

In addition to collecting, it is also fun to take on a challenge every now and then to write a program. Fun to puzzle. It's nice to share that through a video.

Making the video itself is a challenge. Struggling with light, sound, editing, good examples, etc. I do this more for myself to learn more about this medium. But of course it's also nice if others can learn something from it.


Once you start collecting hardware, it is of course also nice to have the associated software from that time period.

Thousands of titles have been published for the Commodore, so it is impossible to collect them completely.

I mainly focus on cartridges and software of which I have a nice memory.


Besides collecting, repairing and programming on the Commodore computer, I have several other hobbies. Always fun to try out different things.

On this page you can find a few of them.


Click on the image to go to the main computer collection page on this site.

Here you find an overview of some of the computers I collected over the last couple of years.

The renewed interest in the Commodore started during the corona period. One of the things that I, and many other people along with me, have started doing is tidying up. While cleaning up I came across my old trusty Commodore 64 again.

Over time I had gotten rid of a lot, but luckily I kept this one. Curious to see if it still worked, I connected it to the power supply. And...

There where ten wonderful minutes before the power supply put an end to it. A rookie mistake. Never connect a power supply that has been gathering dust for 35 years, especially not the Commodor 64 power supply.

So.. then started looking for repair videos and replacement parts. So the collection started again.

My main focus is commodore related hardware, although I sometimes get tempted and buy other Retro hardware also.